I like to play with design both in my profession and as a hobby, so I thought I'd share a few things that I'm proud of.

Two things I've been involved with at our church are Community Groups (known elsewhere as small groups or care groups) and "Rhythm" (a habit of regularly reading a chapter of the Bible on a schedule with others at the church). I put together logos for them to use on brochures and bookmarks and pamphlets, and put them together out of similar elements:

Another thing I helped with was the Q Arts Festival last spring. I did the signage and brochures, and here's an example of how it turned out:

Along the way, there were a lot of discarded ideas, including these possible themes/logos:

There were also these corresponding ideas for posters and powerpoint slides:

As long as we're dealing with concepts that fell by the wayside, here were a few possibilities I'd put forth for the church logo (which ultimately came to look like this):

OK, OK, Steve, but what about the stuff that actually got published? Well, for that we turn to my day job at the Bible League. My proudest accomplishment has been co-writing with Steve Elzinga three books in a series about music, preaching, and evangelism. (Click on the words to order them from To the right you can see the cover for "The Secret to a Great Preaching Ministry."

If you want to see some of my work without paying for it (heh heh), you can visit two websites I've done for the Bible League: and "Halftime: A church service to spur you on in the game of life." You can also glimpse inside the Student Connection Planner that I designed, download some Bible study lessons I designed, and see a few icons I developed.

Or, if you're not energetic enough to leave the page, here's some pictures of other various projects:

Two catalogs listing all our products and explaining our philosophy to Christian growth (which I organized, wrote, and designed) -- I took the photo on the left of my brother-in-law Ethan in Nova Scotia

Covers for the KJV 2000 Bible exclusively printed for the Bible League.

Four issues of "Connection Quest" magazine (which I managed, designed, assigned and edited stories, and wrote for)

Various editions of the Connection Planner for adults, students, and kids.

The first incarnation of the web site (which I conceived, wrote, and designed)