September 2000:

SITE UPDATES: The first of the Maine pictures are up! We had a wonderful time there with Amanda's parents and little brother, tootling around Acadia National Park and various scenic areas and shops in the region.
   Check out our all-new Makeover Magic! If you need beauty tips, this is the site for you!
   The Family & Friends page now has news updates. E-mail me yours!

This isn't about this site, but I've put up my professional site, Amanda L. Caldwell Editing Services, and have updated Amanda! The Musical.

No other big news. We're heading to a couple weddings next month, both for people we knew working on the Wheaton Record at college. We've both got lots of work to do, which is actually good, and church is keeping us busy, too. We're starting a new Bible study in our small group that Steve and the other Steve at The Bible League put together, on marriage. You can find out about it at the site Steve (our Steve) is putting up: Where's Philip? (If you get a dippy page with a globe, that's not it. The real one is coming soon!) We're excited about starting that.

Funny news: Our college announced a new mascot (scroll to the end), to replace the offensive Crusader. We were rooting for the Perry Mastodons, or the Wheaton Wrath of God, or maybe one of the 10 Plagues: the Wheaton Blood? The Darkness?

Right now, I have to go finish proofing a Bible study in Ndebele for Zimbabwe! (Anyone know Ndebele who'd like to help?)

October 2000:

SITE UPDATES: The rest of the Maine pictures are up!
   Enjoy the new mug shots on the main page! If you don't like one face, hit refresh!

We just got back from the wedding of a friend of ours from the Wheaton Record, the all-new Heidi Farr. It was fun to see her and some other Wheaton friends, Rachel Maxson, Lee Powell, & Lee's sister, Lauren. We've got another wedding of two Record alumni in two weeks!

Also new: we're now located on the NBCi site, after failures with CyberCities, Excelland and ProHosting, and having outgrown the space on The Film Forum's server. We'd still prefer an ad-free site, but NBCi allows us 999MB of space -- as opposed to the 20MB at our old server -- so we can keep all our pictures in archives for you to peruse. (The gray bar at the top isn't ideal, but it's better than those dreaded pop-up ads or the banner ads for unsavory sites you get with some servers!)

Steve and Amanda