We had to replenish our dear periwinkles' water, so we braved a night walk over slippery rocks down to the ocean. Greg had us turn off our flashlights at the water's edge so we could see the winking of tiny bioluminescent organisms. On our way back, we just managed to spot this crab (can you find it?) with our monster spotlight before the battery died (so we blinded him with our camera flash in addition). It was dark the rest of the walk. The things we do for periwinkle love.

Here I am reenacting our famous, very somber honeymoon documentary on periwinkle capture and release. You will be fortunate indeed if you earn the chance someday to watch the video. In case you're wondering, that's freshly collected ocean water in the Dr. Pepper can — as good periwinkle parents, we feed our babies algae, not soda.


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