If you scroll fast enough, you can watch him grow like he's in a flip book.

 Corin: month 8
(26 photos)

Here's the rest of what happened in January (i.e. not much) after our Pembroke trip... [more]

 Carrots and broccoli and pickles, oh my!
(13 photos)

Corin was beginning to pay attention to food at this point, and kept wanting to sample whatever we were eating. This is the hilarious results of what he liked and didn't like... [more]

 Corin: month 7
(24 photos)

Christmas photos have already been posted; now we fill in the gaps for the rest of the month... [more]

 7-month studio portraits
(24 photos)

You can see these up all over our walls (well, a selection) next time you come visit. Till then, enjoy the proofs... [more]

 Video: Random Corin hilarity

He laughs, he talks, he sticks out his tongue Ñ he's Corin! [more]

 Video: Darth Vader baby

Our video-editing software is still available, so weĠre putting it to (very) good use with the following video... [more]

 Corin's first snowfall
(14 photos)

Snow doesn't stick very often here in Seattle, so when we got a rare snow day we rushed Corin out to see... [more]

 Corin's six-month-old photo shoot!
(8 photos)

It's not like we don't do photo shoots everyday, but to mark the six-month occasion, we did a special artistic shoot au natural... [more]

 Corin: month 6
(29 photos)

We've already posted Thanksgiving photos, but here's the rest of Corin's sixth month, which you will notice is mostly about tasting everything.... [more]

 Corin: month 5
(28 photos)

After skipping ahead to Christmas photos, then returning to our early-October Midwest trip, weĠll now attempt to fill in the gaps for you and move onto 2008... [more]

 A little tongue action
(8 photos)

In late October, for a week or two Corin discovered he had a tongue... [more]

 Catching up with Corin
(16 photos)

So, here -- enjoy Corin from post-trip to Thanksgiving, 4.5 months to 5.5... [more]

 Video: Hop hop hippity hop!

Our bouncing baby boy, Hopalong Corin... [more]

 Video: Rolling along

We try to film a pivotal (pun intended) developmental moment... [more]

 Corin: week 16
(23 photos)

Ready for beddie. Stripy feetsie delight courtesy of Auntie Lauren!... [more]

 Corin: week 15
(6 photos)

Homemade BabyLegs -- made by cutting the toes off old socks. So easy!... [more]

 Corin: week 14
(11 photos)

All-American baby (ultra-patriotic diaper cover courtesy of eBay)... [more]

 Corin: week 13
(24 photos)

Corin likes to chew off Apa's fingers. WeĠre not sure if Corin's already teething or if he just likes to gum things... [more]

 Corin: week 12
(18 photos)

Corin got a new shipment of clothes from Grandma. Here he models one of his new 18-month outfits, and it fits like a charm at 12 weeks... [more]

 Corin: week 11
(17 photos)

Waking up from sleepytime with Apa & Mama... [more]

 Corin's birth story and birth video are here!
(1 video, 54 photos)

The tale of my birthing time, 42 hours of labor and a home birth-turned-hospital transfer, culminating in the all-natural delivery of our little guy -- 11-pound, 13-ounce, Corin Caldwell Lansingh... [more]

 New Corin video: Happy Fun Boy
(1 video)

See Corin enjoy life at 1, 5, 9, & 12 weeks old in his newest YouTube video. But don't make him angry... [more]

 Corin: week 8
(18 photos)

One of the fun things we get to do with Corin when pressed for time is take a walk on Alki Beach just across the street... [more]

 Corin: week 7
(8 photos)

Here's a few photos of us in our church's cafe space. We used to have our 5 p.m. service here, but over the summer they put it on hold, so it was fun to be back there for a summer potluck... [more]

 Corin: week 6
(11 photos)

This week we went to a children's consignment shop to browse, and when Corin was fussing, Amanda put him down in this bouncy seat and he immediately calmed down in amazement and wonder... [more]

 Corin: week 5
(10 photos)

After whirlwind excursions through Seattle when our parents were here, we didn't do much for the next four weeks except work. So we're posting pictures of Corin by week rather than by event... [more]

 A father-and-son photo shoot
(7 photos)

They say that skin-on-skin time with a newborn is important for bonding; Amanda captured some of this dad-and-son time with a few artsy photos... [more]

 Corin's first week
(40 photos)

Corin's first week at home was a fun adventure of trying on new clothes, getting to know the cat, taking a walk on Alki Beach, finding fun ways to be comforted, and posing for about 2.8 million photos. (Our second child will be so jealous.)... [more]

 Corin's first day
(14 photos)

Here's a record of Corin's first day, which consisted mostly of posing for photos, along with the occasional washing, drying, and bundling... [more]

 Baby Corin's first video
(1 video)

Watch our YouTube video showing baby Corin trying out his eyes, hands, and facial expressions in his first three days of life!... [more]

 Birth Announcement
(3 photos)

We are excited to share with you the wonderful news that our new baby boy, Corin, joined the world on June 5 at 4:03 a.m.!... [more]

(15 photos)

Preparing for baby... They say the nesting instinct is a sign of impending birthing. Are they sure it's not a sign of heretofore procrastination? ... [more]

 Steve & Amanda & baby-on-the-way
(11 photos)

When Sharon was visiting in April, we had her do a couples photo shoot of Steve & me & baby-to-come... [more]

 The baby's beating heart & crazy dance moves
(1 video)

Watch a Quicktime movie of two doppler readings of our baby's heartbeat and lots of fun videos of the baby contorting my stomach. Crank up the sound & enjoy!... [more]

 Pregnancy through the months
(20 photos)

I thought it would be fun to show my bump's growth through the weeks of pregnancy. We've done some really nice photo shoots throughout the pregnancy that I don't have up yet, but I'll wait until we've gotten all of those pictures selected, edited, and arranged. These are just random candids... [more]


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