Celebrate with us!

 Easter 2008
(33 photos)

Easter outfit studio shots
Easter dinner

 Christmas 2007
(73 photos)

Countdown to Christmas
Christmas party with Brian & Sandra
Opening presents!
A Christmas dinner
Corin's first Christmas video!

 Thanksgiving 2007
(15 photos)

We went from our typical two-person Thanksgiving to a four-person celebration with Sharon being out here and Corin adding life to the proceedings...[more]

 Halloween 2007
(10 photos)

Corin was a pirate for his first halloween...[more]

 Steve turns 32
(10 photos)

Steve turned 32 and we had several fun days of celebration...[more]

 July Fourth 2007
(10 photos)

It was our first Independence Day living here on Alki Beach, where the tradition is to hike a mile down the road to Alki Point and view both of the fireworks shows over Elliott Bay and Lake Union...[more]

 Amanda's 29th Birthday
(3 photos)

To celebrate, Steve & I took a gift certificate from Quest and went out to Eva's for a yummy gourmet dinner...[more]

 Steve's 29th Birthday
(6 photos)

For Steve's 29th (and golden) birthday, we visited the long-term hotel that we'd stayed at for four months when we first moved to Seattle...[more]

 Amanda's 28th Birthday
(4 photos)

 Steve's 28th Birthday
(3 photos)

 Amanda's 27th Birthday
(1 photo)

 Amanda's 26th Birthday
(1 photo)

 Steve's 26th Birthday
(2 photos)

 Steve's 25th Birthday
(5 photos)

 Independence Day 2004
(3 photos)

 Halloween 2004
(3 photos)

 Halloween 2003
(2 photos)

For Halloween '03, we decided to carve ourselves a jack-o-lantern. Scary, huh?...[more]

 Halloween 1998
(2 photos)

 Christmas 2003
(10 photos)

 Christmas 2002
(10 photos)

 Christmas 2001
(6 photos)

 Christmas 2000
(8 photos)

 Christmas 1999
(5 photos)

Celebrating Christmas and Sharon's birthday at the Lansingh residence...[more]

 Christmas 1998
(5 photos)


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